One of our Young Ambassadors, Jackie Li, gives us her take on last week’s sizzling dance show, milonga.

As a novice in the world of dance, the fusion of tango with contemporary dance was a concept that was entirely unfamiliar to me. As such, I was intrigued to see how both styles of dance would fit together in this modern take on the traditional Latin American dance.

The show consisted of numerous dancers taking to the stage to showcase tango in a variety of ways. Every routine portrayed a unique story – some intense and dramatic and others more comical – but each one executed with passion and finesse.

The ensemble numbers were particularly impressive where all couples came together to perform dynamic and fast-paced routines, comprising sharp footwork and acrobatic lifts. The contemporary dancers demonstrated an equally impressive amount of creative floorwork and both dance styles blended seamlessly to create a show that was underpinned by a real sense of unity and expression of culture.

The use of projected images provided some stunning visuals throughout the show. Marked by nostalgia, they transported the audience right into the heart of Buenos Aires and brought to life the traditional roots of the art form. The live musicians also complemented the dancing beautifully. The music was both intimate and powerful, enhancing the emotional aspect of the production and adding a level of complexity to the storytelling.

I would highly recommend seeing a dance show at the Hippodrome. Whether you’re a professional dancer or simply interested in finding out more about different styles of dance, there is something for everyone and every show is guaranteed to leave you wanting to dance all the way home!

I’m now looking forward to seeing Acosta Danza in October. Featuring works of several international dancers and choreographers, this show will provide a great opportunity to learn more about classical and contemporary dance.