A brilliant broccoli and spinach soup

Serves 4


1 onion
500g Broccoli
100g of spinach
1000ml of vegetable stock
100ml of double cream
75g of butter
Salt & Pepper to taste

Begin by melting the butter in a medium heavy-bottomed pan under heat. Then carefully slice the onion into small pieces and add to the melted butter. Sweat this down for a few minutes and add a little salt to season.

You then need to remove the florets from the stalk of broccoli and chop them into very small pieces keeping the florets and stalks separate (Don’t throw anything away).
Then add the broccoli stalks to your butter and onion mix (holding the florets back) and cook until they start to soften. Once you have reached this stage, add your vegetable stock and bring to a rapid boil.

Now you can add the florets to the boiling stock and cook for no more than 3 minutes. Once the florets are cooked remove them from the heat and stir in the washed spinach. Once you have all these ingredients together transfer them to a blender and blitz until nice and smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste and finish with a stylish splash of double cream.

To serve, add crusty bread with a healthy spread of butter!