We are excited to open applications to join our first cohort of Hippodrome Origins, a bespoke artist development programme.
What is it?
Hippodrome Origins is an 18-month artist development programme for creatives in the West Midlands who make theatre.
What will happen?
During the first six months of the programme, there will be an intensive period of learning, absorbing and filling the creative ‘well’ with weekly workshops, group sessions and trips to the theatre and other cultural events.
The next twelve months will be spent developing your own work, supported by the Hippodrome, with monthly group sessions to catch up with each other and share your work.
There will be two points at which the work you are developing can be shared outside of the group. The first will be with a small invited audience of trusted friends and collaborators. Then at the end of the programme, there will be a chance to rehearse and share your work with a wider audience as part of a celebration of new work at Birmingham Hippodrome.
What will you offer?
- A £2500 bursary in three instalments across the programme
- Workshops and artistic development
- Access support where required
- Rehearsal and work space
- Dramaturgical and creative support
- A platform and resources to share your work
- Free tickets to selected shows at the Hippodrome and other venues
- Funded trips to the theatre and cultural events
- Discounts at the Hippodrome
What will you expect?
We will expect you to attend regular sessions at the Hippodrome, which will be fortnightly during the first six months and monthly thereafter. During the first six months we will also ask you to attend funded trips to the theatre and other cultural events in the weeks between sessions.
From April 2025 – April 2026 we will expect you to attend monthly sessions where the group can catch up – making work can be lonely sometimes and that group support and feedback is important.
At the end of the programme, there will be an opportunity to rehearse and share your work with a wider audience.
When is it?
The programme will take place in three phases.
First phase
For the intensive first part of the programme, fortnightly sessions at the Birmingham Hippodrome will take place on Monday evenings from 6-8pm. Participating artists will need to be available for most, if not all, of the following sessions.
- 11 Nov 2024, 6-8pm
- 18 Nov 2024, 6-8pm
- 2 Dec 2024, 6-8pm
- 16 Dec 2024, 6-8pm
- 13 Jan 2025, 6-8pm
- 27Jan 2025, 6-8pm
- 10 Feb 2025, 6-8pm
- 17 Feb 2025, 6-8pm
- 24 Feb 2025, 6-8pm
- 10 Mar 2025, 6-8pm
- 24 Mar 2025, 6-8pm
- 7 Apr 2025, 6-8pm
On the alternate weeks without sessions from November 2024 – April 2025, the group will take funded trips to theatres, galleries and cultural events, with dates and times to be confirmed.
Second phase
From April 2025 – April 2026 the focus will be on developing an idea, and making use of rehearsal space and dramaturgical support from the Hippodrome in a way that suits your schedule. The group will meet on the first Monday of the month from 6-8pm for workshops and to share and support each other’s work.
Third phase
In March and April 2026 there will be a period of rehearsal leading up to a sharing of your piece within a celebration of new work at the Birmingham Hippodrome. The form that this takes will be guided by the artist and the work; it might be a fully-realised performance, a rehearsed reading, a workshop, or something else that we haven’t thought of yet.
Who is it for?
We are hoping to meet playwrights, theatremakers, devisers, and artists who might not fall into any of these categories but want to make new work for theatre.
There is no minimum or maximum amount of experience specified, but we would like you to be able to demonstrate a commitment to making theatre, and talk about an idea you are hoping to work on.
Companies are welcome to make joint applications.
The programme is open to artists aged 18+ who are based in the West Midlands. We are defining this roughly as within the West Midlands Combined Authority, but if you are unsure about your eligibility please get in touch with us by emailing creatives@birminghamhippodrome.com
Is there access support?
We have provision to support the access needs of Hippodrome Origins artists on a bespoke basis. If you would like to know more about how we can support you, please get in touch with us by emailing creatives@birminghamhippodrome.com
The programme is specifically for artists who want to make theatre. If you are hoping to develop a piece of musical theatre, opera, dance, or live music, your work will likely be more suited to a different department or organisation.
How do I apply?
To apply, please fill out the questions on the form, and return it to us along with a CV or biography, and a sample of your work.
The sample of your work should be your own original work and it might be in video, audio, or written form. We would like it to be around 2000 words or 5 minutes long, but these word and time limits are not exact and are meant only as a guide. It might be a script extract, or a filmed performance of a piece you have made or written. It does not need to be a published or produced piece. Whichever form it takes, it should be an example of your theatre practice.
Please return your application by 12pm noon on Monday 16 September 2024.